Saturday, December 19, 2009

Kerala ayurveda packages,kerala beach resort

This is a treatment for brain strength. This therapy is an excellent remedy for facial palsy, headache and various neurological disorders connected with the brain. Certain lukewarm herbal oils are poured into a cap fitted on the head for 15 to 60 minutes per day. It is useful in facial paralysis, headache, visual problems, memory ailments, disturbed sleep, sinus, chronic cold, etc.
We recommend a course of 7 to 28 days to experience full benefit.


This is the ancient Ayurvedic therapy for sinusitis, migraine and chronic cold. The inhalation of medicated herbal preparations, decoctions, oils, ghee etc. helps to eliminate the morbid factors (Kapha dosha) from the head and neck area. This also includes gently massaging your body from the shoulders upward.

Herbal juices, medicated oils etc., are applied the through nose for 7 to 28 days. This treatment is highly effective for certain kinds of headaches, paralysis, mental disorders, certain types of skin diseases etc. Nasyam stimulates nervous tissues, enhances the functions of eyes, nose, and ears and induces sound sleep. Effective treatment for: Sinusitis, Dental Problems, Ear and Eye Diseases, Facial Paralysis, Migraine, etc.

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